Evictions were banned in New York State during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 and it might Evictions might just be a pause in New York State all over again.

Buffalo Councilmember Rasheed Wyatt is pushing for New York State to stop evictions AT LEAST for the next 6 months. Wyatt cites that people in Buffalo are still feeling the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The solution will be brought to the table during a Council meeting on Tuesday, February 21.

tenants in his district who are not able to pay their rent since the moratorium expired and some told him they've applied for rental assistance, but haven't gotten help yet", according to WGRZ.

What about the people that own the homes that renters live in? Will there be any help there?

There is actually a bill in Albany right now that is being brought back into light called the Good Cause Eviction Bill. The Bill states that tenants cannot be kicked out of an apartment 'just because'. The Bill would illegal for landlords to evict tenants unless they violated the lease agreement. In addition, there are some fine print laws on how often and how much money a landlord can increase rent. 

Housing is a big priority of Governor Hochul. Although Hochul plans on using hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to certain housing initiatives, the 'Good Cause Eviction Bill' has not been officially signed.

Buffalo's evictions are off the charts. There were more evictions in Buffalo than in any other place in New York State toward the end of 2022.

Judges have issued more than 3,700 eviction warrants this year in Erie County, primarily in Buffalo. That’s not just more than other upstate cities such as Rochester and Syracuse, but more than New York City’s other boroughs, including Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx, all of which have much larger populations", acording to the Investigative Post.

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