There are some symbols in Buffalo City Hall that appear to be swastikas...but, are they really? The symbols appear to be part of the original design. People were super mad or offended when pictures of the swastikas took off on social media earlier this week.

What do you think?

Though, there is some debate as to the timeline.

Buffalo City Hall broke ground in 1929.

Nazi German was the time period of 1933 and 1945.

Buffalo City Hall went through some major renovations in 2006, and some of the symbols throughout were removed. Some are still there. You can see these symbols on the ceiling at Buffalo City Hall.

The Ellicott Square Building has these symbols on the floor as well.

The Ellicott Square building in downtown Buffalo also has the symbol in the tiles on the floor that you can still see to this day. That is the picture above.

The picture below is a zoomed-in picture of Buffalo City Hall.

Buffalo City Hall apparently has "swastikas" on the roof.

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